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Building a Team from the Ground Up

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Starting from nothing and shooting for anything but is quite a trial in today's cut-throat marketplace. Is there really any place for independent growth in the 21st century? Or maybe that's not what the real problem is...

Hey there, thanks for reading my quick post here. My name is David Valentine and if you're reading this, you're either quite lost or are looking back on a time before I was anything more than a speck of dust. I can't really lie, my goal here is just to start filling my site with some interesting stuff. My real goal in life is to save countless animals and save more unfortunate people than I know what to do with... but is that really something I can even consider possible?

This is a trial....

...and I've accepted this trial... well because I have nothing else left. It's really hard to make it day to day when all you can think about is how little you're really able to help the people you care about. It may seem irrelevant, but this is where everything comes from, right? A burning desire... I hope that's what this is, I would really like to help animals and people alike. So here I am, starting a business that can hopefully one day make that happen.

Stand victorious against our past...

"We must learn to live together as brothers, or to perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King Jr.

It's a lot to take in, but making real change in the world takes a lot of power, and a lot of that crinkly green stuff. If you're reading this, I really appreciate you for one of many possible reasons. But no matter what that reason may be, I hope you'll stick around to see what I've got in store.

Until next time...

- Valentine

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